Coding, modulation and demodulation will be briefly covered, but all at the most basic level of trying to transfer a bit of information reliably from sender to receiver. The aim of this module is to provide an appreciation of the important contributions made by Claude Shannon to communications, including the fundamental limits of data compression, channel capacity, and the source-channel separation principle. Error performance analysis of digital modulation systems. The main topics that will be covered are: single and multilayer perceptrons, support vector machines, radial basis function networks, Kohonen networks, principal component analysis, and recurrent networks. You need to complete 68 modular credits (MCs) in order to qualify for graduation. Upon completion of this module, students will be able to analyse a given pattern recognition problem, and determine which standard technique is applicable, or be able to modify existing algorithms to engineer new algorithms to solve the problem. Topics covered include state space representations of systems; solution of state equations; stability analysis using Lyapunov methods; controllability and observability; linear state feedback design; asymptotic observer and compensator design; decoupling and servo control. Course Fees. Computational models of biological perception are used increasingly in multimedia, computer vision, robotics, computer-human interaction, and biological signal processing. Incomplete (IC) The topics covered are as follows: Quantum mechanics: Schrodinger equation, particle in a box, tunnelling effect, harmonic oscillator, time-independent perturbation theory. The topics covered include Oxidation, Isolation, Gate Module Technology, Diffusion, Ion Implantation, Shallow Junction Technology, Plasma etching process, Thin film deposition, Al/Cu interconnects, Lithography, and CMOS Integration. Elective Modules Facilitate Interdisciplinary (20 MCs) NGS Electives Cross-faculty Electives Module Name MCs GSS6886 NGS Seminars 2 More GSS6886 NGS Seminars (2 MCs) NGS Seminars is a platform for students of the Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering (NGS) to develop their presentation skills by delivering seminar-style talks.
Education at NUS It covers the basic constituents of optical communication systems including optical fibers, optical transmitters/receivers, wavelength multiplexers/demultiplexers, optical switches, optical amplifiers, and wavelength converters; and transmission system engineering such as dispersion management and Q-factor analysis. Computing exists anywhere and in any field. Probability theory, stochastic processes and vector spaces. It covers concepts of basic digital CMOS building blocks, combinational and sequential logic circuits, dynamic logic circuits, interconnect, timing and power issue of the digital integrated circuits. NUS has launched the “Resilience & Growth Initiative” to future-proof the Class of 2020. EE3701 Digital Media Technologies, or equivalent course on HCI, interactive and digital media, EE6734 Interactive System Design Research Methods (Advanced). Advanced power electronics systems and their control for these emerging technologies will be explored. 12 Science Drive 2, Singapore 117549 Tahir Foundation Building, NUS MD1, Level 12 (North) +65 6601 2125 Pre-requisites indicate the base of knowledge on which the subject matter of a particular module will be built. Course Fees. Mathematical background materials, such as matrix properties and operations, dynamic system models and solutions and random variables will first be discussed, followed by major topics including notions of optimality, selection of cost functions, optimal state estimation, basic optimal control and model predictive control. The module covers topics from the basics of EMC to radiated and conducted emission and susceptibility, cross-talk, shielding and advanced topics of system level design for EMC. Medals and Prizes (University-Level) Modular System; Curriculum Structure. Major topics include CMOS transistor scaling and limitations, novel materials and processes, advanced nanoscale transistor structures, strain and band structure engineering for transistor performance enhancement, emerging devices, and technology convergence and future trends. The NUS Pharmacy graduate research experience enhances one’s critical thinking and sharpens one’s analytical acumen to face the challenges of our changing world. FAQs for DDP, CDP and DM; Faculties ; Information and Resources; Design Your Own Module; Graduate. The course also includes an examination of the security aspects of each layer. The description of graduate modules offered by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering are listed below. Undergraduate knowledge in Power Electronics, e.g. This module forms one of the three core modules for the students specializing in Power and Energy area. level-5000 and above) are generally expected to be 4 MCs each. Satisfactory Grade of "C" or better in English Language Course (Intermediate Level), if student is required to take the graduate English Language Course. Communication via fading channels â channel models, receiver design and error performance analysis. How many modules must I complete in order to graduate with the NUS MBA degree? All Rights Reserved. Concepts of real time operating systems are covered as are the practical implementation of embedded systems and firmware. The main objectives of this graduate module are to equip students with knowledge of common statistical pattern recognition (PR) algorithms and techniques. Should a student choose to repeat the module in a subsequent semester, none of the work done previously may be carried forward for assessment purposes. Dates: Events: 31 July 2015 (9.00 am – 5.00 pm) NEW Module Preview Period (No selection of modules on this day) Students may login to preview modules available for this Semester. It then covers the issues of scheduling and quality of service in optical burst switching (OBS) and architectural and technological issues in optical packet switching (OPS) networks. This module explores globalisation and its impacts on urban identities, places and politics. Applicable to M.Sc(Elect Eng) students only. Different test and measurement techniques will also be covered.Computational modelling techniques for analysing and reducing EMC problems will be introduced. # Exclusion of CFG1002 from limit on Level-1000 modules is applicable to: BIZ, FASS, FoS, SoC, SDE, and FoE students from Cohort AY2016/17 onwards. Keywords can include module code, title, lecturer or faculty. This module teaches the latest developments in nanoscale complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) device and processing technology. It then examines the fundamental capacity limits of wireless channels and the characteristics of the capacity-achieving transmission strategies. This module is designed to cover selected topics in the broad disciplines of social, personality, and/or industrial-organizational psychology. EE4502. This module will make the student aware of the fundamental considerations needed to design advanced high frequency power electronic converters in an industrial environment.
It focuses on fundamental principles and circuits in bio-signal processing and low-power biomedical systems. Topics are as follows: introduction to communications, including standardized interfaces and layering, communication system blocks, source-channel separation principle; coding for discrete sources; channels, modulation and demodulation of binary signals; coding and Shannon capacity; Gaussian channels. Error performance analysis of digital modulation systems. Nonetheless, to enable a student to build expertise in a new field, modules below level-5000 may be allowed, up to 25% of the total MC requirement for the coursework component, subject to the approval of the supervisor and Department. Graduate Supervision. Micro/Nano Electromechanical Systems (Advanced). The provisional grade of ‘IP' is assigned in the intervening semesters. The course will cover Bayesian statistics and emphasizes the powerful formalism of graphical models. With emphasis on fundamentals, this module develops analysis methods that are used to understand the operation and design of solid-state microwave electronic circuits commonly used in microwave systems. The sky's the limit. Please check with the relevant department for more information. Frequency multiplication, division and synthesis. This grade is awarded when a student is exempted from or given credit for a module under the Advanced Placement process. The course emphasizes on Lyapunovâs method of stability analysis and related new concepts. Part Two introduces some important nonlinear control design methods, such as feedback linearization, backstepping, sliding mode, adaptive and intelligent controls. At the end of this module, the students will gain knowledge of optics and laser basics, and the technologies based on optical and laser engineering. Students are taught how a real-time embedded system can be designed using structured data flow methodology. Various topics to be covered are: Advanced power flow analysis; Power flow equation and solution techniques; Optimal power flow; Economic dispatch; Introduction to power system state estimation; Least square state estimation and Introduction to power system controls and stability analysis. If in doubt, students should consult the module instructor or the Department academic advisor regarding the acceptable equivalent modules. Basic probability at the level of EE2012 and basic networking concepts at the level of EE3204 and EE4210. The latter part of the module will cover the basic topics of solid state theory relevant for nanoelectronics, such as bandstructure, electronic transport in solids, and phonons. EE2012 and CS1010E (Applicable to undergraduate students only). Successful applicants will join a research laboratory under the supervision of a faculty member to pursue research at the leading edge of chemistry. This module includes state-of-the-art technologies such as optical modulation formats, fiber nonlinearities, and optical signal processing. This part is followed by practical digital modulation techniques and their performance under wireless channel impairments, including diversity techniques to compensate for flat-fading, multicarrier modulation to combat frequency-selective fading, and an introduction to multi-antenna communications. This provides them the option of embarking on continuing education without having to commit to a full qualification upfront. This module introduces the student to the design of high frequency (switching frequency >200 kHz) high efficiency power electronic converters for AC-DC and DC-DC energy conversion using PWM and resonant energy conversion techniques and their significance in modern power electronic industries. The recent development in optimal system and control has brought in new topics and methods, which are covered in this module, including inverse optimality, linear matrix inequality, numerical optimal algorithms, randomized optimization algorithms, nonlinear Hâ, Special Topics in Automation and Control (Advanced). EE5432R Microelectronic Processes & Characterization, EE6503 Characterization of Materials & Devices. The focus is on in-depth treatments and wider coverage of advanced topics on (i) kinematics, (ii) trajectory planning, (iii) dynamics, and (iv) control system design. EE4101 or EE4104 or EE4112 (Applicable to undergraduate students only). Graduate Coursework programmes. //-->
The programme has two tracks: Normal track (3 essential modules + any 4 PM modules + 3 UE modules); and; Specialization track (3 essential modules + any 5 specialization modules + 2 UE modules). This course provides students with fundamental concepts, principles and theory for the analysis, design and measurement of antennas such as wire, aperture and microstrip and slot antennas. Students will gain hands-on experience in applying these techniques to real-life problems through project work. Our graduate programme has grown rapidly in recent years as NUS has made graduate studies one of its cornerstones as a research university. By the end of this module, students are expected to be able to identify important and current vision problems, read and understand research papers in the area, and lead discussions on related topics. Nevertheless, Faculties could set more stringent requirements. Students will learn to appreciate such methods through examples and case studies. This module provides an in-depth coverage of the analysis and design of analog integrated circuits. The fundamental theory of conventional antenna arrays is covered in the first part. This module is targeted at students who wish to specialise in RFIC and MMIC circuit design. Students should have some basic knowledge of electromagnetics. Analysis of nonlinear microwave circuits. The course introduces various research methods on interactive system design. Established evolutionary paradigms as well as, significant new developments, including evolutionary algorithms, evolutionary strategies, evolving neural networks, ant-colony optimisation, artificial immune systems, and swarm intelligence will be covered. Ternary and quaternary compound semiconductors, heterostructures, quantum wells and superlattices, quantum effect devices. The module aims to introduce the basic concepts and design methods of computer/microprocessor based control schemes. Candidates are required to attend and pass examinations in a minimum of 3 modules (2 modules from level 5000 and above + 1 compulsory seminar module). Issues on the design and implementation of actual protocols will be addressed through a design project. The NUS MBA Experiential Core is a comprehensive programme that makes The NUS MBA like no other. The topics covered are: discrete system analysis; pole-placement design, basic predictive control, digital PID controllers; implementation issues (sampling theorem, aliasing, discretisation errors) and real-time realisation using system control software such as Matlab and Labview. Elective Modules Facilitate Interdisciplinary (20 MCs) NGS Electives Cross-faculty Electives Module Name MCs GSS6886 NGS Seminars 2 More GSS6886 NGS Seminars (2 MCs) NGS Seminars is a platform for students of the Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering (NGS) to develop their presentation skills by delivering seminar-style talks. For more information on our modules and timetable for Semester 1 AY2019/2020, please visit this LumiNUS link or login to LumiNUS > Module Search > Type “BL5000”. PC2232 or equivalent, EE3431C or equivalent, Microelectronic Processes & Characterization. Students should take up this module only if the course helps them in their R&D efforts. Key problem domains such as multi-objective scheduling, optimisation, search, and design will be examined. To view the list of modules offered in AY2020, please refer here. 2 Dentistry (Undergraduate), Law, and Medicine (Undergraduate) are currently not on the modular system. The course uses case studies to expose students to real-world networking protocols and presents the design principles that motivated the development of these protocols. The second aim is to provide a detailed treatment of modern codes such as Turbo codes, low density parity check codes, polar codes and iterative decoding. 100% CA. Case studies and some of behavioral research will be given to enhance the capability of interdisciplinary research. DC Machines and AC Machines (both Induction as well as Permanent Magnet types and Switched Reluctance machines) will be discussed. The second part covers the topics on WDM networks that include technology, switch architectures, wavelength-selective and wavelength-convertible networks, routing and wavelength assignment, virtual topology, survivability and traffic grooming. This two-part course equips students with an understanding of nonlinear dynamics and nonlinear control methods. This module covers the phenomena and mechanisms of breakdown of gases, liquids and solids as used in electrical insulating materials. When a student withdraws from a module between the first day of Week 3 of the instructional period and the last day of the Recess Week, a ‘W' grade will be recorded in the transcript. It is intended for students to gain knowledge and use of optimization techniques pertaining to the applications in communications & signal processing and networks (wired and wireless) domains. NUS Enterprise NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences & Engineering Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health School of Business School of Computing School of Continuing & Lifelong Edn School of Design and Environment Science Speciality Research Institutes/Centres University Administration University Scholars Programme Yale-NUS College Module Preview Period (No selection of modules on this day) Students may login to preview modules available for this Semester. This module provides an opportunity for new PhD students to carry out preliminary research work through two short-term research attachments under the supervision of academic advisors. EE3501C. For each layer, the course first presents the fundamental design principles and an in-depth analysis of factors that affect the overall system performance. The distinguishing feature about this module is the engineering emphasis on the coupled relationship between wireless and sensor network protocols and the underlying physical layer and energy considerations. Undergraduate physics and mathematics AND Electronics materials courses) OR EE2004: Semiconductor Devices OR EE3406: Microelectronic Materials OR EE3431C: Microelectronics Materials & Devices. Before taking a module, a student should complete any pre-requisite module(s) listed for that particular module. It will cover both theoretical analysis as well as practical implementation of solutions to problems encountered in shape recovery and navigation. Probability theory, stochastic processes and vector spaces. To provide an understanding of an alternative to "adaptation", the concept and basic design of variable structure control will be discussed. Case studies of various engineering control problems will be used to provide insights and useful design guideline. The relevant graduate certificate modules are made available under the NUS Online Application Portal where the applicant can register as modular courses during the application period.. ... NUS Ctr for Trusted Internet & Community. Academic progress is tracked by the CAP, which is the weighted average grade point of all modules taken by a student. of hours for projects, assignments, fieldwork etc per week
Students are expected to have an overall understanding of how to pick and judge research in interactive system design after taking this module. Exempted (EXE) A formal research proposal for beginning graduate students (MA and PhD level) is expected at the end. Topics covered include Lyapunov-based direct adaptive control scheme, self-tuning regulator, model reference adaptive control, variable structure control and least squares estimation. A: no. The aim of the module is to introduce the various components of Electric Drives. Be an entrepreneur, artist, scientist, designer, business executive. CS/CU modules are typically industrial attachment, internship or enrichment modules. Topics covered include: Decision theory, Parameter estimation, Density estimation, Non-parametric techniques, Supervised learning, Dimensionality reduction, Linear discriminant functions, Clustering, Unsupervised learning, Feature extraction and Applications. The work may relate to a comprehensive literature survey and critical evaluation, design feasibility study, case study, or a combination of these. The aim of this module is to provide the crucial understanding of semiconductor processes and integration technologies that are extensively used to fabricate modern electronic devices. To this end, it covers major system impairments of optical communication systems and how optical communication systems have evolved to cope with them and increase the capacity in a cost-effective manner. Students can choose the problems that are aligned with their thesis topics to complement their research. Oscillator theory; diode and transistor oscillators. In this module, we will discuss selected papers on current research in this area, with topics covering neuronal and psychophysical models of perception, the use of psychophysics to guide the solution of computer vision problems, and perceptually driven applications in digital media. It is also very useful for those who are interested in signal processing and computer engineering. As far as sensors are concerned, Motion (displacement, velocity and acceleration), Force & Tactile, Temperature, Pressure/ Flow, Machine Vision & Applications, and Optical Sensors will be discussed. If you are unable to log in to the System, please report this immediately so that you do not encounter delays during the online module registration exercise. This module is a must for higher-degree students in control engineering, robotics or servo engineering. Topics include: advanced filter designs; system in package; transistor small signal modelling and large signal
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Refer to Your Faculty/School for advice computational, perceptual, and may even be actively involved,... Control will be examined and testing of electrical actuators, both rotary as well as real-world protocols each... Updated list as on 19 June 2020 to appreciate such methods through examples and case studies on real scheduling... Graduate Certificate or modules within the graduate level and prepares them for research.! ( MCs ) in order to graduate with the final grade when the student aware of the aspects! A typical full module description, these components are given in a wide range of analysis... Faculty member to pursue research at the leading edge of current research in the graduate seminar module one. A core module for postgraduate research students for in-depth vision research, places politics... And practices in electromagnetic compatibility ( EMC ) and highlight the foundations and in. 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