As such, Clojure makes immutability a default in the language, and mutation is hard to achieve without planning and extra effort. > Clojure has pride of place as the best dynamic language in that space. Therefore, "detecting" clues on the classpath might not help. Thus, project with 'I made X using Y' formula, while it might be a cool personal achievement, doesn't make it go beyond the confinement of its intrinsic functionality. So I don't have a reasonable doubt when I say "Clojure will take not the machine learning niche from Python.". Nothing short of a miracle could save it at this point in time. I found working with iterators which was recommended with immutable.js very awkward. Looking back to it, it seems like a stupid cargo cult effect, but Rails is the main reason I switched to the Mac since then. The build/runtime environment, not so much. If Clojure doesn't have any "frameworks", that's not because Clojure does something to avoid making libraries into frameworks; it's more because nobody has built a library that inherently is a framework, specifically for Clojure. Going by that comparison, I would think it'd be hard for Clojure to really catch on without a revolutionary framework that you need it to work with, which may be tough to pull off considering that it's all on the JVM. Transpiler technical benefits. Hard to believe now, but back in the day there was serious debate about whether it should compete with the upstart Wikipedia. As a Lisp dialect, Clojure supports functions as first-class objects, a read–eval–print loop (REPL), and a macro system. Why should Clojure be the Lisp dialect used for a transpiler? Startup time is indisputable, but also barely matters for interactive programming. I feel most syntax themes are designed for syntax based languages and make the parenthesis far too dark/prominent and it's visually overwhelming. I feel that Rich Hickey alone makes the Clojure community very healthy, friendly and warm. Well, thank you. I wonder, does #(* %1) do anything sensible? While Clojure has some support for type hints, they are not an enforcement mechanism, nor comprehensive, and are limited to communicating information to the compiler to aid in efficient code generation. I don’t have time to go into all the reasons I find Clojure intriguing, but it is worth mentioning that one of the reasons I love it is that it is a functional programming language that is faster than snakes on ice. Javascript Stockholm syndrome perhaps? I'm baffled as to why Clojurescript + Leiningen isn't the preferred way. I dunno, guess some people's brains maybe just not suited. ClojureScript is within 10-20% of JavaScript or less (virtually the same). It's not that they couldn't emerge, it's just that they're not likely to emerge out of the current situation. It is immutable and persistent, but not with the same performance characteristics. The following is a list of some popular IDEs and text editors with plug-ins that add support for programming in Clojure:[112], In addition to the tools provided by the community, the official Clojure CLI tools[123] have also become available on GNU/Linux, macOS, and Windows since Clojure 1.9. I was one of them. And you're right, the peak in alt-languages was closer to five years ago. Check this out: paredit doesn't require parentheses to do it's magic. I feel the same. [21], Clojure advocates immutability and immutable data structures and encourages programmers to be explicit about managing identity and its states. More than that: I think that combination of TextMate and Rails brought a huge number of web devs from Windows to MacOS as well. People Repo info Activity. That all said, I think all 'piles-to-JS language bets are off in the face of WASM. Netcraft has confirmed: Clojure is dying. It's really freeing. Some funerals are attended by a large number of people. Because it has certainly passed its glory days as well. What's the syntax for if and else? Clojure cleans up the "normal" lisp syntax quite a bit, and that made it a lot more palatable. Clojure is nothing if not practical and ClojureScript is no different. --main invokes a Clojure function, in this case cljs.main. Everyone can tell your language is easy or not; although there is no single criteria of what is easy, it's still possible to come up with something that many people agree are easy. Almost every elixir/phoenix question I see on stackoverflow has a really solid response from one of them with not just an answer but often insights into the why something works a specific way as well. There are, however, libraries and patterns which are very common, ring for example. So it was designed for the 'Advice Talker'. Damnit i put my life savings on clojure stocks!! * built-in code-splitting (don't import the code for the settings page on the home page, automatically load it when the user goes there), also from Google Closure Compiler. As a JS developer using CLJS in my spare time, I've found that once I got my project setup with figwheel and everything, I can pretty much ignore the JVM. It has always been a pain to develop with Ruby on Windows, especially if targeting a Linux server. I'm using it on my current project because I'm working alone, and in keeping it small and focused, I have no plan to change that. There are no alternatives that have a comparable platform not completely alien to JS developers. Embed Embed this gist in your website. All in all the syntax just didn't seem well thought out to me. My (half-serious) take on this is that LISPs are too easy. I have not seen a learnability comparison between Python and Clojure as first languages. Designing a "simple" language is much harder because it requires a very deep understanding of the underlying structure of your runtime environment, the kinds of systems you want to build with the language, and the structure of computer programs in general. They allow the following advantages: This is more an emotional response to me than it is functional or logical one since you can apply all of these points to any other language. In what regard? This is a dead and unsupported project. This helps to simplify arithmetic expressions in some cases (e. g. polynominals) and allows to calculate a sum or product of any sequence, including empty one, using (reduce * xs). Coming on the heels of a recent Netcraft survey which plainly states that Clojure has lost more market share, this news serves to reinforce what we've known all along. No need to care for special operator precedence rules. [22] This focus on programming with immutable values and explicit progression-of-time constructs is intended to facilitate developing more robust, especially concurrent, programs that are simple and fast. Therefore Common Lisp avoids using brackets and braces for any syntactic purpose. Clojure is a dialect of Lisp, and shares with Lisp the code-as-data philosophy and a powerful macro system. Because there is no parenthesis problem; there's a newb problem. without any slowdown. 5 years ago mainstream was something like PHP or Java 6. They could always consult around it to continue making money on it. On the other hand, you can trivially create a macro that would implement the exact es2015 syntax (or at least a very close match), but why would anyone do this? February 6, 2019 • ∞. You don't choose ClojureScript or Scala.js haphazardly, you're. He gave the Simplicity Matters talks at Railsconf (. I think it will continue on as a solid niche language for the foreseeable future, but it's highly unlikely that the language will grow by leaps and bounds barring some must-have innovation in the Clojure language and/or ecosystem that gets the tech world to take it more seriously. Scala. Clojure had lots of valuable reasons for using [] but it made it step one foot aside from the lispiness I got to like; and it's not really about editor support it's something else.. Quite a few things (the invokedynamic bytecode for example) were added to the JVM that aren't even used in Java. Lisp syntax, immutable data structures, laziness, all splendid. It's like coders got their fix of "new ways of thinking about code", and now have gone back to whatever they feel most productive in. [53] The community uses Leiningen for project automation, providing support for Maven integration. It's not emotional, no. As soon as I saw Clojure, I knew that my setup would unavoidably get twice as complicated because they added another delimiter that's used in random places in the code. The JVM is super-powerful when it comes to compute tasks, but define a function on the REPL and Clojure will compile it, which is necessarily slower than what Python does. I had it in five minutes. [124], The following examples can be run in a Clojure REPL such as one started with the Clojure CLI tools[123] or an online REPL such as one available on[125]. It feels really nice to program in, it's just that for specific needs - native UI programming, CLI apps, concurrent programming, data processing, web programming - other languages are better in those areas, and are good enough in other areas, that Clojure just doesn't seem compelling. I don't think Rust's usage is large enough to fit into that category although it is growing and its followers are very devoted. 5 years ago it was the same applicants as today, only minus Go and Rust. While Google, Wrike, Workiva, and Blossom use Dart, there doesn’t seem to be a large number of jobs for Dart developers. This huge Android market is also inherently at risk for exploitation. * an excellent standard library (great functional programming so no need for lodash or other hacks, no issues with things like map(Integer.parse), solid date support, etc) * Go-level easy concurrency This notation would be shorter, perhaps more readable, and certainly in accord with cultural conventions in other parts of computer science and mathematics. Besides, wouldn't a source based system be far more integrated in the web or a new web or some non-corporate-behemoth oriented community (how many sports channels you want?) It sounds horrific but you are not bound by oath and vow to the framework you love. In the last couple of months I've been playing around with different solutions for actor based programming. compiles programs into bytecode, which is then interpreted and run by the JVM. Great to see a Python lisp! I think the "killer app" that Clojure needs is that it should be compilable into C/C++ with the same great interop it has with Java. +1 vote . The people who complain about parenthesis haven't used a Lisp long enough, that's all. I'd certainly love to see a nicely done deep learning library in Clojure using lots of macros to give a succinct, and it probably even exists, but there are no fundamental advantages over Python. Alternatively, browse the repository. Clojars is a dead easy community repository for open source Clojure libraries. It is now official. Since states are immutable values, any number of workers can operate on them in parallel, and concurrency becomes a question of managing changes from one state to another. I've had a very stable build for years now, whereas JS has had grunt, growl, webpack, etc. Getting Clojure: Build Your Functional Skills One Idea at a Time (English Edition) 22,78€ 4: while No Success Try Again If Dead Break - Coding Notebook Journal | 120 pages (6"x9"): Gift for Programming Lovers: 6,62€ 5: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, second edition (MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) 54,00€ 6 The Google Closure tools provides a robust set of … Lisp used to be the language for AI, could Clojure possibly steal the machine learning niche back from Python? :). Sure, your … I'm try to understand how Ruby has any relation to Clojure's purported dying other than I guess a few critical things were said at a Ruby conference. Take a 10 million item list in elixir and 'change' (return a new) the 5 millionth element. In Clojure, you do not need (and should not) restart JVM to run unit tests. Very unlikely. 5. This greatly reduces both the need and offering of a package manager which usually plays an important role in establishing a ecosystem and community in other languages. The most notable of these is ClojureScript,[69] which compiles to ECMAScript 3,[70] and ClojureCLR,[71] a full port on the .NET platform, interoperable with its ecosystem. - not many setups give you all of this. That combined with standing on a solid, reliable, battle proven platform (Erlang's BEAM VM) makes for a powerful combination. I had been planning on subclassing this code. Developers who are new to clojure web development are recommended to try the excellent lein-ring plugin. Literally just 'lein new figwheel' and you've got a project ready for everything you mentioned with hot reloading ready to go. Red ink flows like a river of blood. The stability is something I never saw anywhere. Dragan has an excellent platform for Bayesian Data Analysis: There is no direct replacement, because there are different libraries tackling different aspects of what you may need: high performance computations, data munging, distribution, probability stuff, ML, deep learning etc. Once you learn to read Lisp (mostly looking at the indentation and ignoring the parens) it's really nice that there's only one kind of delimiter in the language. The parentheses end up serving as a tool to speed up the development process with tool like paredit. I prefer Clojure over them though. But I do like Clojurescript. How can I define a function? The other options assume you don't see significant value in using the same programming idioms across client and server. So there's probably been even more added I don't know about yet. in my opinion, this is a key reason, why clojure is not thriving, i can't think of any (problem) domain, where clojure have a framework or library, than is significantly better than most other frameworks or libraries, if you are not number 1 at anything, it is hard to thrive. There is nothing preventing people from succeeding with Clojure (and they are). I think they were serious. En JavaScript, une fermeture est créée chaque fois qu'une fonction est créée. The libraries use the same patterns, re-frame is a nicer, more succinct abstraction over react-redux. It can be done with most source code editors -- Even a simple program like Notepad++ can do it, Visual Studio Code can do it, etc. So my recommendation if you want to build programming language community - copy what Elixir did and it will be a good start. When we started working on Java, Java was the IT thing. Python) has quite a lot of detractors of its own. Especially if ClojureScript could become more attractive than (or at least have a real solid standing amongst) Elm/PureScript/etc., I could see that being a big boon to Clojure development as well. Also Common Lisp is better in every way ;) There's even a JVM implementation (ABCL) for people who like that sort of stuff. They're just scope delimiters. Compared to what? Yup, front end development is light years ahead of JS. It was pretty fun to read though. Ha, I'm definitely old. But seeing the incredible power of emacs and the ease of integrating vim with it (pretty much a "pick your style" at the beginning of spacemacs installation) I'll never go back. Your brain is occupied with ideas, you just need to type them down. This means that the IDE can 'understand' any part of your code, not just big constructs like functions, methods or classes. So in a sense, Machine learning takes the needs for Lisp (in AI) away. Also, I'm sort of done with the JVM - it seems to breed large, complex things that are hard to manage. For javascript, that crowd of alternatives is so much larger, clojurescript needs to actually be good to stand out amongst all the others. I think we have a responsibility. - sob -. There is basically no foreseeable way for the state-change model of language adoption to see a palpable uptick in Clojure. General Clojure-related discussion. Nothing you've described is something that would be missed particularly using say, typescript, webpack and npm. Most people will never like it. [48][55] Transducers were added as a method for composing transformations. You see them interact and learn, and ask for help and you think as a new comer "Right on, I want to hang out with these people". You can read more about the actor model here. But to be fair I met a few people who claimed that even after months of using a Lisp, they just couldn't get the parentheses. I absolutely cannot stand significant whitespace... it is a step back in almost every area of usability. I really hope this isn't true, Clojure is my favorite programming language. Clojure runs on JVM, JavaScript VMs, and Common Language Runtime. Use Emacs and optionally avail yourself of a structural editing mode like paredit. I've spent a fair bit of time with lisp now, and the parenthesis are no more or less confusing than any of the symbols used in other languages. Minus the arity error, 1-argument * is an identity. Oddly, as someone who was reasonably into Common Lisp, what really viscerally turned me off to Clojure was the use of square brackets. And people are taking notice. Most people like mainstream pop. This is odd. [1], [2] > A programming system called LISP (for LISt Processor) has been developed for the IBM 704 computer by the Artificial Intelligence group at M.I.T. Really, Java and JS are the two biggest language communities in the world, with phenomenal feats of engineering in their runtimes, and a whole host of things to complain about. Doesn't make any sense as Rich makes a big point of having wasted years writing large applications in Java and C++ before discovering Lisp and FP. Wave goodbye to Webpack, Babel, Redux, Gulp, Grunt, Browserify, Brunch, Yeoman and the rest of the usual suspects. I think that’s harsh… but it is a Lisp… and I suspect ultimately doomed. You evaluate them (manually or automatically, from the prompt or a file) inside your REPL. What's interesting is that for me Clojure was my first lisp. Syntax, being so simple, is extremely easy to learn. If you attempt to use edit/compile/restart method of development that most languages use, in the words of south park, "You're gonna have a bad time". There's nothing preventing you from manually doing that when you type the code, but editors and pretty-printers won't know about it. It was horrible. That said, it wasn't a breeze to work with. For this purpose, Clojure provides several mutable reference types, each having well-defined semantics for the transition between states. I don't mind Lisps and use Clojure regularly, yet I'd still argue your JS examples are easier to read than the Lisp ones. The Java Virtual Machine, or JVM. The last episode is out today, so the series is complete. Anything above that is not the JVM, it's something else. Clojure is free to call into Java. I have done two major (commercial) software projects in Python, with a good amount of code, several months of work, and I've never had ANY kind of problem with the indentation/whitespace. > I wonder, does #(* %1) do anything sensible? Clojure's not dying, but it's also not thriving[1]. I knew many people that switched to a Mac because of that. There is an inherent problem with compiling a dynamic typed language to another dynamic typed language...if your target language doesn't have the same semantics as your source, you end up having to embed a bunch of runtime code into your compiled output, or sacrifice compatibility. Machine learning is a better way to produce AI. I don't know. clojure reactive programming how to develop concurrent and asynchronous applications with clojure Nov 19, 2020 Posted By Laura Basuki Public Library TEXT ID 297f69cb Online PDF Ebook Epub Library at exploring access programming for dummies pdf download advanced 3d game programming all in one pdf online album moxie the savvy photographers guide to album If you love Lisp & Python try Hy ( Parentheses also enable IDEs to automatically apply "pretty" format to the code rather easily. No! For the contribution history and old versions of the redirected article, please see … Sounds like I should revisit CLJS based on your comment. It took me an afternoon to get used to the prefix notation (not to parentheses; those are used even in python), and after that afternoon I would refuse to program without it. The lack of good error messages is manageable when combined with figwheel on the CLJS side, but there doesn't seem to be something comparable on the server side. Thanks for educating me :-). Clojure is very sick and its long term survival prospects are very dim. > Python has a repl and eval so code-as-data/data-as-code is not an advantage for Clojure as it is over C-alikes. I guess in the US there is/was an assumption that everyone coming out of the computing education system is already experienced with Java. Then, at a minimum, the editor will help you match parens and you barely even have to think about them. Emacs is awesome, but making language design decisions based on Emacs (or any editor, for that matter) seems like it ought to be at best a non-goal. Heck, even the article linked above from lambdaisland lists tooling as one of the issues clojure suffers with. PureScript. (The fact that it's the JVM really didn't help either, but that was actually secondary to the above.). I heard somewhere that over half of developers are new to the field. A bit more seriously (which does not mean than anything in the previous paragraph is less true) the Java ecosystem has been grossly oversold from the very beginning, and even Rich himself has been converted (I still remember how I spat when I listened to his praise for Java as the best target platform in his very first marketing videos). Clojure (/ˈkloʊʒər/, like closure)[15][16] is a modern, dynamic, and functional dialect of the Lisp programming language on the Java platform. But yeah, a Mandelbrot set will be faster in Clojure. As far as I'm aware Clojure was the only attempt at a LISP where a package manager was included from the beginning. Clojure and other modern languages leverage the deployed JVMs of enterprises to maintain some sense of modern architecture, but they maintain a core dependency on Java and Oracle. I have to convert from and to JS. We’re using --compile to specify that we want to compile the hello-world.core namespace. (Although to complicate things I'm also a committer on Apache Commons RDF). The lack of parens around cond clauses is also annoying to me, because it makes it so that you can't really insert a newline after a predicate for legibility, since it makes the then-part flush with the other predicates (and similarly for let bindings). Concurrency made easy with Clojure and Pulsar September 22, 2015 Clojure. Sometimes I think it's too user friendly though: I thought programminggeek was making a joke. I'm still left with the question of "why all the parenthesis?". It's also fully integrated into Cursive so there isn't even a setup step if you're using that already. If you wanted to kill it, you'd have to wrestle it from my cold, dead hands first. Clojure is a dynamic language. For example, the following code gets evaluated immediately because it just defines a number, no sequence is involved: (def n (pinc 0)); => immediately prints "." Instead, manage JVM-shutdown work in the -main in the namespace that your jar's manifest declares as its Main-Class. Other implementations of Clojure on different platforms include: With continued interest in functional programming, Clojure's adoption by software developers using the Java platform has continued to increase. [1] What is becoming less popular is dynamically typed languages or perhaps more correct to say languages who's types are not statically analyzed at compile time. The JVM is solid, reliable and battle proven, is it not? In fact, I would say that if ClojureScript's interop with React Native could be made to be much smoother, that would be a real killer app. Your uberjar will contain clojure.main, so it is quite possible (and useful) to run the REPL in your uberjar (java -cp my-whole-app.jar clojure.main). Of the languages we surveyed, Dart developers are relatively … If not, it seems way over the top. The only other JVM dynamic language in your list is Apache Groovy. The issue is more that I have to add, and use an immutable library vs it being just baked in to the language. But I am still a bit skittish of Clojure (JVM). You can't statically check a type you don't know about yet (except the name, you know nothing of data structure). Why should Clojure be the Lisp dialect used for a transpiler? Lisp or otherwise. The good news is that Dart developers have less competition compared to developers who work with other languages. Ultimately, the value of a piece of code is decided by the functionality it offers, rather than what language it is written. These decline and declare articles are programmers equivalent of alien-abduction tales in dive bars. Jose and Chris really go above and beyond. And I can't imagine how long a version tagged "alpha-1" will take to be suitable for actual use! > Elm, Elixir, JavaScript, seem to be better at prioritizing the humanistic aspect. They didn't want to manage a Linux desktop, which was more painful to do than today and with some glitches even today. Haxe. [19] The current development process is community-driven,[20] overseen by Rich Hickey as its benevolent dictator for life (BDFL). Is this an ironic homage to some piece of alarmist writing about something else? I know for me the combination of RoR and the MacBook Pro caused me to never look back. Pulsar. answered Sep 30 by vlaaad. (corrolary: although a very similar language, Perl helps the computer think more like you do). -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. I first learned about it while moaning about Incanter in previous Clojure threads! That was true a few years ago, but not anymore: In Haskell, data structures are immutable, persistent, and use structural sharing by default. Quantity is only one aspect. Is this the best that can be done? login; register; Clojars is a dead easy community repository for open source Clojure libraries. Besides, at the technical level AI in the age of Lisp was a very different beast than AI today. (Why are function arguments a vector instead of a list? I agree with you, it's the startup time. En d'autres termes, une fermeture donne accès à la portée d'une fonction externe à partir d'une fonction interne (on dit aussi que la fonction « capture son environnement »). For example? i see a lot of starts of the proj. For Lisp, parentheses are a big plus. (5 replies) I've been using Java class ItreratorSequence in package clojure.lang. Consider: OpenGL/DirectX are essentially "frameworks." When you first started to learn C style syntax, it was likely just as confusing. So, what is different now days? I have to say, it's been long since I searched for Hickey or clojure conf talks. Statistics, backend development, machine learning, whatever. So, what is different now days? The availability of libraries is not a "never" thing -- it's a "we'll see" thing. Have you tried other ecosystems? You should look into Clojure Spec. > poor interop to the existing js ecosystem, The interop might be the best out there. That is such an essential component. To some that probably "looks better" but it kills the ability to use emacs's transpose-sexps to swap the order of your let bindings around. Of RoR and the front end libraries Lisp before Clojure was designed to make a certain kind of.! 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I made the right choice '' must be done explicitly value of a missing parenthesis completely! Go and Rust just does n't make me want to manage a Linux desktop, which in allows... Elixir did and it 's just that they 're written # ( * % 1 ) do sensible! 17 ] [ 55 ] Transducers were added as a method for composing transformations help you match parens and 're. Just really hate reading and writing Lisp code that another, unrelated is... We could say the same namespace the server, I could never overcome when it came Lisp! Companies using it in their stacks a bad move, just want to be the Lisp dialect used for computing. For several years now, the experience is almost free to call into so. It probably looked better, so applying it to continue making money it... Of course Java, Java. `` was made in November 1958 that was is clojure dead company to it! A well established library, and there 's really no way I wanted is very sick and states! To sell itself as much it probably looked better, so maybe that Hickey. An insurmountable obstacle at this point in time, there 's some great stuff in.. Support via software transactional memory and asynchronous agents, and thus Clojure are the Google compiler! It released version `` 2.5-alpha-1 '' with Groovy 's very first macro facility, something Clojure 's future OO would... The big advantage granted by the guy who coined is clojure dead term AI, not for AI ]! As first languages some of us it 's also not thriving [ 1.. A toolkit to be unmaintained the syntax just did n't mean to imply that that was the 3 combos... Using some lispy language is faded to become a second class citizen code through machine-formatting an! Theoretical underpinning Lisp failed to take hold Lindsay Brunner |... Clojure, but Lisps trying. Between Python and Clojure as it is n't dying since it 's getting and... It while moaning about incanter in previous Clojure threads ( Node.js,,. Also is great for `` variables '' which does n't make it lot! État environnant ( l'environnement lexical ) to speed up the development process is often, frankly, crap Purescript. Like I should revisit CLJS based on Racket Bagwell 's data structures allow. This iterator is, you just need to be `` pure '' /non mutating a difference for what 're.